Bogdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University

Design of the educational environment for STEM-oriented learning

Osadchyi, V. V. and Valko, N. V. and Kushnir, N. O. (2020) Design of the educational environment for STEM-oriented learning. Information Technologies and Learning Tools, 75 (1). pp. 316-330. ISSN 2076-8184

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The article examines the impact of market requirements on the educational system, technological development of society and changes in the economic development of the country. The main directions of changes in European educational policy and their formalization in the framework of competences have been reviewed. The considered practices of organizing educational space in Ukraine and other countries allowed determining the structure of the interaction of participants in the educational environment of STEM-oriented training: administrative and managerial component, cooperation between education and business structures, scientific and methodological support, technological factor, popularization and human factor. The article gives a definition of the educational environment of STEM-oriented learning. According to each of the points of this structure, the peculiarities of their implementation in Ukraine have been presented: steps to implementation at legislative level have been taken, a list of measures aimed at popularizing and supporting STEM-education has been developed, a way of the dissemination of these ideas has been outlined and the list of already existing developments and implementation practices has been made. The conditions required for the development of educational STEM-environment have been defined. The article presents the model of the educational environment of STEM-oriented learning developed at the STEM-school of Kherson State University. The description of the project activity of the teacher and students in the context of the creation of educational environment of STEM-oriented learning is given. Also, the article offers examples of interdisciplinary projects. Their implementation requires that the teacher have a good theoretical foundation in mathematics, physics, technology and programming.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: H Суспільні науки > HB Економічна теорія
L Освіта > L Освіта (Загальне)
L Освіта > LB Теорія і практика освіти
L Освіта > LC Спеціальні аспекти освіти
Q Наука > QA Математика > QA75 Електронні комп'ютери. Інформатика
Divisions: Факультет інформатики, математики та економіки > Кафедра інформатики і кібернетики
Depositing User: Users 23 not found.
Date Deposited: 03 Jun 2020 10:25
Last Modified: 03 Jun 2020 10:25

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