Bogdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University

The Formation of Orthogonal Balanced Experiment Designs Based on Special Block Matrix Operations on the Example of the Mathematical Modeling of the Pneumatic Gravity Seed Separator

Malkina, V. and Kiurchev, S. and Osadchyi, V. and Strokan, O. (2019) The Formation of Orthogonal Balanced Experiment Designs Based on Special Block Matrix Operations on the Example of the Mathematical Modeling of the Pneumatic Gravity Seed Separator. Modern Development Paths of Agricultural Production. pp. 111-119.

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The article describes solving the task of building a mathematical model of the pneumatic gravity seed separator by organizing an effective scheme for conducting (plan) experiments with a sufficiently large number of levels of factors and, simultaneously, a small number of experiments. The construction of a planning matrix, which has specified properties, provides a fairly high level of experimental research efficiency. For this purpose, proposed an algorithm for constructing a balanced orthogonal plan of the mn experiment, optimal by the criterion of D-efficiency. The point of the algorithm is to build a special balanced matrix by performing an operation of the Kronecker product in relation to some basis matrix and the subsequent implementation of block summation matrices. Based on the proposed algorithm, was constructed a balanced matrix of an experiment plan by 55 types, consisting of 25 experiments. On the grounds of the offered algorithm, implemented the experiment and constructed a mathematical model. Based on the mathematical model, was determined the optimal values of the parameters of the pneumatic gravity seed separator. The optimal values of the parameters found on the basis of a mathematical model are confirmed experimentally.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Q Наука > Q Наука (Загальне)
Q Наука > QA Математика
Q Наука > QA Математика > Вища математика
Q Наука > QA Математика > Вища математика > Математичний аналіз
Divisions: Факультет інформатики, математики та економіки > Кафедра інформатики і кібернетики
Depositing User: Users 23 not found.
Date Deposited: 01 Jun 2020 09:06
Last Modified: 01 Jun 2020 09:06

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