Bogdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University

Reconstruction and dialogue in the recovery of the lost paradigm «human-nature»

Troitska, T. S. and Troitska, E. M. and Krylova, A. N. and Popravko, O. V. (2019) Reconstruction and dialogue in the recovery of the lost paradigm «human-nature». International multidisciplinary scientific geoconference SGEM 2019, 19 (5.1). pp. 629-635. ISSN 1314-2704

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In the context of the aggravation of global contradictions in the interaction of man and nature, environmental consciousness must respond quickly and adequately to the situation, outstrip threatening events and seek ways to overcome environmental disruptions and harmonize relations in the supersystem «nature».
These challenges encourage the natural and human sciences to create for man a new knowledge, which would be based on the laws of human development, as part of nature, and the principles of value-semantic proportionality of human existence in nature.
The complex of analytical, theoretical research methods and historical reconstruction provided an opportunity to substantiate the significance of the value-semantic relation of man to nature as the axiology of ethical correction of ways of interaction between man and nature. It is proved that the natural and humanitarian scientific systems should be based on the historical reflection of the evolution of nature and society and the analysis of the stages of the value relation of man to nature to form a new value position in relation to nature, based on the comprehension of the principle unity of society and nature, on the awareness of the laws of co-evolution, on recognition of the genetic priority of nature, ecological and moral imperative, taking into account ethnocultural factors of the formation of an ecophilic tradition.
The rational-cognitive component of the content of education and culture should be accompanied by discursive ethics and the meanings of the «world of life», which cannot be realized without a human dialogue, which unfolds in various vital senses and appears directed to the proportionality of being of man with all living and nonliving world.
The disclosure of the idea of co-evolution, the planetary, universal approach to the solution of terrestrial social and economic problems and problems caused by environmental laws, confirmed the need for historical reconstruction of not only the stages of interaction of components of the supersystem «Man-Nature», but also that without the theoretical reconstruction of the history of value relation of man to establish in nature in the minds of the ideas of universalism, the idea of the need for self-restraint, the experience of previous human development, the idea of optimal use Earth's resources, ideas preservation and enhancement of biodiversity, consolidation of mankind from tradition ekofilniy not possible. Reconstructed and reflexive world and domestic humanitarian heritage, modern discourse ethics of nature should become the object of informative-dialogic interaction of representatives of different cultural preferences. The dialogue as a construct of understanding and concordia will translate the genetic priority of nature, the ecological imperative, the ethics of responsibility and non-violence, invariance to the value.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: B Філософія. Психологія. Релігія > B Філософія (Загальне)
D Всесвітня історія та історія Старого Світу > DK Росія. Радянський Союз. Колишні радянські республіки > Історія України
Divisions: Факультет суспільно-гуманітарних наук та права > Кафедра соціології та філософії
Філологічний факультет > Факультет суспільно-гуманітарних наук та права > Кафедра соціології та філософії
Depositing User: Unnamed user with email
Date Deposited: 06 Dec 2019 10:48
Last Modified: 02 Nov 2020 12:25

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