Bogdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University

Development of the information system for forecasting collision between birds and wind farms

Osadchyi, Viacheslav and Siokhin, Valery and Gorlov, Petro and Yeremieiev, Volodymyr and Osadcha, Kateryna (2019) Development of the information system for forecasting collision between birds and wind farms. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 4 (2(100)). pp. 29-40. ISSN 1729-3774

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The information system for processing the results of observations of birds on the territory of a wind farm was created. The information system ensures the storage and processing of the monitoring results, conducting statistical analysis of data and obtaining the forecast of the possibility of a collision of birds with blades of wind plants. Mathematical model of forecasting makes it possible to perform calculations in the case of incomplete information about the parameters of a wind wheel. The paper considers as an example the environmental situation on the territory of wind farm "Primorsk-1", which is located on the coast of the Sea of Azov. The information on 5923 registered birds of 45 species was processed. 72 birds of four species were identified in the dangerous zone of a collision of birds with rotor blades at the altitudes of 48 and 182 m: Larus ridibundus (43 birds), Merops apiaster (15 birds), Buteo buteo and Circus aeruginosus, respectively, 5 and 9 birds. Evaluation of risks of collisions was performed for one year of the wind park operation, taking into consideration the behavior of birds in different seasons of a year cycle (wintering, migration, and nesting). Based on the obtained data, the analysis of the possibility of the death of birds due to their collision with rotor blades was performed. The calculations were carried out using the model that was constructed according to the recommendations of the Fund "Scottish natural heritage". The probability of collision of a bird while being in the rotor space slightly depends on its geometrical dimensions and is within 11–14 %. Prediction of the total number of collisions in calculation per one turbine a year is at the level of 0.07–0.25 birds. Almost half out of this number refers to Larus ridibundus. The total number of collisions of all birds within one year of the operation of a wind farm with 26 turbines is nearly 1.7–6.5 birds. The obtained data are consistent with the results of the studies of European researchers.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Q Наука > Q Наука (Загальне)
Q Наука > QA Математика
Q Наука > QA Математика > QA75 Електронні комп'ютери. Інформатика
Q Наука > Екологія > Охорона природи
T Технологія > T Технологія (Загальне)
Divisions: Факультет інформатики, математики та економіки > Кафедра інформатики і кібернетики
Depositing User: Users 23 not found.
Date Deposited: 20 Sep 2019 07:04
Last Modified: 02 Oct 2019 05:50

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