Bogdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University

Modern philology: promising and priority areas for scientific researches. The human realm perception in Salman Rushdie’s novel “Two years, eight months and twenty-eight nights”

Konovalenko, T. V. (2020) Modern philology: promising and priority areas for scientific researches. The human realm perception in Salman Rushdie’s novel “Two years, eight months and twenty-eight nights”. Other. Liha-Pres, Lviv-Toruń.

[thumbnail of A chapter in the monograph] Text (A chapter in the monograph)
Коноваленко_монографія_англ.pdf - Published Version

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This chapter interprets Salman Rushdie’s novel “Two Years, Eight
Months and Twenty-Eight Nights” and the global issues of human realm
depicted in it. Magic realist novel features are studied on the level of
meaning and form. Such traits of author’s individual style as the novel’s
multilayer structure, intertextuality, the interaction of human (real) and
jinns (fiction) worlds, real historical events and persons described,
condemnation of the universal human drawbacks and sins, philosophic
worldview, global issues of human existence are specified. The characters
of the novel are analysed and linked to the typical representatives of the
human realm. Some stylistic peculiarities of the text are emphasized and
interpreted. The article addresses the author’s attitude to the characters
and various processes and phenomena occurring in people’s society.

Item Type: Monograph (Other)
Subjects: P Мова та література > PR Англійська література
Divisions: Філологічний факультет > Кафедра методики викладання германських мов
Depositing User: Unnamed user with email
Date Deposited: 03 Mar 2020 07:41
Last Modified: 03 Mar 2020 07:41

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