Bogdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University

Analysis of the Opportunities of the Prometheus Platform for the Professional Development of Future Teachers

Sharov, S. and Liapunova, V. and Sharova, T. (2019) Analysis of the Opportunities of the Prometheus Platform for the Professional Development of Future Teachers. TEM Journal, 8 (4). pp. 1469-1476. ISSN 2217-8309

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The article analyzes the possibilities of the Ukrainian-language platform Prometheus for the improvement of professional skills of future teachers and their personal development. It is noted that mass open online courses are a logical continuation of the development of distance education courses, they support the principle of open education and globality, allow any user to form competences and acquire knowledge in various fields of human activity. In order to improve their own qualifications, future teachers can familiarize themselves with the methods of teaching subjects from leading teachers, analyze the structure and content of the courses, broaden their horizons and develop digital competence during the course. The structure and features of the online courses on the Prometheus platform: «Science of everyday thinking», «Critical thinking for teachers», «Media literacy for teachers», «Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects» are considered. It is revealed that they differ in the number of weeks for course processing, the number of test tasks and the final tests.
Keywords: MOOC; Prometheus; high school; future teacher; improvement of professional skills.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: L Освіта > LB Теорія і практика освіти > LB2300 Вища освіта
W Бібліографія. Бібліотечні Науки. Інформаційні ресурси > ZA Інформаційні ресурси > ZA4050 Електронні інформаційні ресурси
Divisions: Філологічний факультет > Кафедра української філології та зарубіжної літератури
Depositing User: Users 33 not found.
Date Deposited: 30 Jan 2020 09:50
Last Modified: 30 Jan 2020 09:50

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