Bogdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University

Problems of preserving the natural and cultural heritage of the pre-polar region - Karelian Pomorie

Vampilova, L. B. and Lugovskoy, A. M. and Mezova, L. A. and Sokolova, A. A. and Krylova, A. N. (2019) Problems of preserving the natural and cultural heritage of the pre-polar region - Karelian Pomorie. Section Human Geography & Demography: 6th SWS International Scientific Conference on Social Sciences, 6 (5). pp. 259-266. ISSN 2367-5659

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Karelian Pomorie is part of the historical and geographical province of Pomorie in the North-West of Russia, stretching along the coast of the White Sea within the modern polar regions of the Russian Federation: Karelia, Murmansk and Arkhangelsk oblast.
The object of our research is the part of Pomorie area within the borders of the Republic of Karelia. On the scheme of historical and geographical zoning of Karelia, the territory received the name of the Pomorie province. The isolation of the province is associated with special landscapes - the White Sea-based basement and marine accumulative northern taiga lowlands, which determined the nature of the use of natural resources and the specialization of the economy, which have repeatedly changed in historical time. The main approach in conducting the study is historical and geographical, allowing for a retrospective analysis of changes in the natural environment and to trace the stages of interaction between the landscape and ethnic group. The nature of the region has many specific features: the landscapes of the Karelian Pomorie, due to their mobility and dynamism associated with the youthful formation, require special attention and protection. Landscapes of Pomorie possess a specific set of natural resources, determine the special nature use in the marginal coastal zone, where the seaside nature use prevailed. The landscapes of Pomorie repeatedly became tribal, accommodating for several ethnic groups (Saami, Karelian, Russian Pomorie). The interaction of the landscape and ethnos is in particular, in the specific historical nature management of each local ethnic group left traces in the form of historical and cultural monuments. Some of these objects were identified, substantiated and received a certain well-deserved status of a protected area. The problem under consideration aims to “add” the region of Karelian Pomorie to the World Map.
It is necessary to show the uniqueness of the landscapes of the region, to indicate the change of ethnic groups and the specifics of their interaction with the natural environment. It is very important to assess the current state of the regional network of specially protected natural territories: to identify unresolved problems with a clearly insufficient number of specially protected natural territories, to offer solutions to this issue. The results of the interaction of ethnos and landscape are the new types of environmental management, many left "traces" of each ethnic group in the northern landscapes in the form of historical monuments of cultural heritage, including the stratigraphy of toponymic names - that were the object of studying regional geographical terminology.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: D Всесвітня історія та історія Старого Світу > D Історія (Загальне)
D Всесвітня історія та історія Старого Світу > DK Росія. Радянський Союз. Колишні радянські республіки
Divisions: Природничо-географічний факультет > Кафедра історії та археології
Depositing User: Users 27 not found.
Date Deposited: 03 Dec 2019 12:31
Last Modified: 03 Dec 2019 12:31

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