Bogdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University

Protective and histological reactions of Evhalophytes of Northern-Western Priazov'ya

Maltseva, I. A. and Pyurko, V. E. (2017) Protective and histological reactions of Evhalophytes of Northern-Western Priazov'ya. Сучасний світ як результат антропогенної діяльності: зб. матеріалів Всеукр. наук. інтернет-конф. з міжнар. участю , 10-12 жовтня 2017 року. pp. 22-25.

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The problem of practical use of saline soils in agriculture is of particular relevance to risky farming zones due to the significant expansion of arid and saline regions. The fact is that a different degree of salinisation is characterized by huge areas of the globe - about 25% of all the soil of the planet. One third of the world's lands, which were subjected to irrigation, have already been altered in the direction of excess salt due to poor drainage. The problem of salt stability is extremely relevant for our country as well, since most of the irrigated lands, especially southern Ukraine, are saline. Creation of rational agrotechnical and reclamation systems on saline soils can be based only on a deep understanding of their histological and physiological properties.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Q Наука > QK Ботаніка
Q Наука > QP Фізіологія
Divisions: Факультет природничих наук > Кафедра ботаніки, екології та садово-паркового господарства
Depositing User: Unnamed user with email
Date Deposited: 28 Oct 2019 12:44
Last Modified: 28 Oct 2019 12:44

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