Bogdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University

Intra-population spatial structure of the land snail Vallonia pulchella (Müller, 1774) (Gastropoda; Pulmonata; Valloniidae)

Kunakh, O. N. and Kramarenko, S. S. and Zhukov, A. V. and Zadorozhnaya, G. A. and Kramarenko, A. S. (2018) Intra-population spatial structure of the land snail Vallonia pulchella (Müller, 1774) (Gastropoda; Pulmonata; Valloniidae). Ruthenica, 28 (3). pp. 91-99. ISSN ISSN 2307-7336 (Online), ISSN 0136-0027 (Print)

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ABSTRACT. This paper summarizes the mechanisms
behind the patterning of the intra-population spatial
arrangement of the land snail Vallonia pulchella in
terms of edaphic and vegetation properties. The mol-
luscs were collected from a regular grid in recultivated
soil (the research station of Dnipro State Agrarian and
Economic University, Pokrov, Ukraine). As predictors
of the snail population abundance, spatial variables
were used, as well as edaphic and vegetation indices. It
is shown that V. pulchella prefers microsites character-
ized by higher soil electrical conductivity, which con-
tain larger aggregate fractions with low mechanical im-
pedance and the low temperature at the depth of 0-10
cm, with a more developed dead plant layer, low-light
and low hygromorph and heliomorph index values of
the vegetation.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Q Наука > Екологія
Q Наука > QL Зоологія
Divisions: Факультет природничих наук > Кафедра екології, загальної біології та раціонального природокористування
Depositing User: Users 37 not found.
Date Deposited: 28 Aug 2019 13:35
Last Modified: 02 Oct 2019 05:51

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