Bogdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University

The spatial patterns of long-term temporal trends in yields of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merril) in the Central European Mixed Forests (Polissya) and East European Forest Steppe ecoregions within Ukraine

Zymaroieva, A. and Zhukov, O. V. and Romanchuck, L. (2020) The spatial patterns of long-term temporal trends in yields of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merril) in the Central European Mixed Forests (Polissya) and East European Forest Steppe ecoregions within Ukraine. Journal of Central European Agriculture, 21 (2). pp. 320-332. ISSN 1332-9049

[thumbnail of The_spatial_patterns_of_long_term_temporal_trends_in_yields_of_soybean_(Glycine_max_(L_)_Merril)_in_the_Central_European.pdf] Text

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This research aimed to characterize the spatial and temporal yields trend of soybeans in 267 administrative districts in Polissya and Forest-steppe ecoregions within Ukraine over 27 years (1991 – 2017). The common featureof temporal changes for all administrative districts is the existence of the trend that can be described by the fourthdegree polynomial. The trend type indicates its agro-economic (agro-technological) origin. Soybean yield dynamics can be described and interpreted by characteristic points of the fourth-degree polynomial. The absolute term of polynomial
equation indicates the productivity of the soybean in the starting period. This indicator enables identifying areas with the most favorable soil conditions for soybeans cultivation. It is more appropriate to grow soybeans in the forest-steppe zone of Ukraine, and less appropriate in Polissya. The indicators of the maximum rate of reduction and the maximum rate of increase of yields can be used as markers of agroecosystem stability to agro-economic agro-technological factors. The value of the coefficient of determination indicates the contribution of agro-technological and agro-economic factors in soybean yields variation. These factors determine 7 – 89% of soybean yield depending on the area. The soybean yields in southern and eastern areas of the research region are the most sensitive to agro-technological and agro-economic factors and yields in the northern and western areas are the least sensitive.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: S Сільське господарство > S Сільське господарство (Загальне)
S Сільське господарство > SB Рослинні культури
Divisions: Хіміко-біологічний факультет > Кафедра ботаніки і садово-паркового господарства
Depositing User: Users 38 not found.
Date Deposited: 06 Jan 2022 11:21
Last Modified: 06 Jan 2022 11:21

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