Bogdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University

Розвиток сучасної освіти і науки: результати, проблеми, перспективи. Культурна і природна спадщина як чинник розвитку туризму

Арсененко, Ірина and Арабаджи, Олена and Донець, Ірина (2021) Розвиток сучасної освіти і науки: результати, проблеми, перспективи. Культурна і природна спадщина як чинник розвитку туризму. Other. Посвіт, Конін – Ужгород – Перемишль – Херсон.

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Ужгород Rozwoj_2021_Monografia (1).pdf

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In the XXI century preservation of the cultural and natural heritage of mankind is a very important area aimed at determining the prospects for the development of our civilization. At the international level, in the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), a specialized agency of the United Nations, tourism is recognized as an area that uses cultural and natural heritage, contributes to its enrichment. It should be noted that every year the number of not only our compatriots to study the cultural and natural heritage, their country and the planet, but also foreign tourists, which certainly contributes to the development of various types of domestic and international tourism. The study analyzes the historical aspect of the UNESCO World Heritage List, reveals the essence and concept of cultural and natural heritage, identifies the features of the use of cultural and natural heritage sites in tourism, made their classification.

Item Type: Monograph (Other)
Subjects: G Географія, Антропологія, Рекреація > GV Відпочинок > GVT Туризм
Divisions: Природничо-географічний факультет > Кафедра туризму, соціально-економічної географії та краєзнавства
Depositing User: Users 31 not found.
Date Deposited: 24 Dec 2021 19:10
Last Modified: 24 Dec 2021 19:10

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