Bogdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University

A new species of freshwater algae Nephrochlamys yushanlensis sp. nov. (Selenastraceae, Sphaeropleales) and its lipid accumulation during nitrogen and phosphorus starvation

Maltsev, Yevhen and Maltseva, Irina and Maltseva, Svetlana and Kociolek, John Patrick and Kulikovskiy, Maxim (2021) A new species of freshwater algae Nephrochlamys yushanlensis sp. nov. (Selenastraceae, Sphaeropleales) and its lipid accumulation during nitrogen and phosphorus starvation. Journal of Phycology (an International Journal of Algal Research), 57 (2). pp. 606-618. ISSN 0022-3646

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The new species Nephrochlamys yushanlensis sp. nov. is described from a freshwater plankton sample. A comparison of morphology, 18S rDNA gene and ITS2 sequences, and fatty acid profiles showed that the novel strain represents a new lineage within the genus Nephrochlamys. For the first time with a member of the Selenastraceae, experiments with phosphate and nitrate deprivation were conducted to evaluate changes in biomass, lipid and triacylglycerol (TAGs) accumulation, and composition of fatty acids. Biomass dry weight under simultaneous nitrogen and phosphorus depletion was 1.73 g • L−1, which is significantly lower than the 2.41 g • L−1 observed in the control. All conditions of nutrient restriction significantly increased the lipid content in comparison with the control. The largest increase in the total lipid content, reaching 58.64% DW per cell at the end of cultivation, occurred with nitrogen deficiency. Significant increases in TAGs content (to 23.69% and 21.74%, respectively) occurred in phosphorus- and nitrogen-depleted conditions in comparison to the control (16.90%). Oleic (49.8–64.1%), palmitic (21.1–22.7%), and linoleic (8.6–10.3%) acids were the dominant fatty acids when cultured on standard BBM medium, as well as with the shortage of nutrients. Phosphorus deprivation as well as absence of both nitrogen and phosphorus led to the appearance of FAMEs α-linolenic (1.5–4.1%) and stearidonic (1.0–1.8%) acids. In general, FAME profiles revealed that the relative percentage of saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids increased (88.9% of total fatty acids) in nitrogen-depletion conditions, suggesting this strain may be suitable for biodiesel production.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Q Наука > Екологія
Q Наука > Екологія > Біорізноманіття
Q Наука > QK Ботаніка
Divisions: Факультет природничих наук > Кафедра ботаніки, екології та садово-паркового господарства > Фахові видання
Depositing User: Unnamed user with email
Date Deposited: 30 Nov 2021 10:00
Last Modified: 30 Nov 2021 10:00

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