Diagnostics and monitoring of youth health

Khrystova, Tеtіana (2021) Diagnostics and monitoring of youth health. Rozwój nowoczesnej edukacji i nauki – stan, poblemy, perspektywy. . Tom V: Dynamika badań naukowych i edukacyjnych w warunkach pandemii: monografia zbiorowa. pp. 271-279.

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The health level of young people studying at different educational institutions under the educational process conditions has been analyzed. It has been found out that influence of unfavorable social-hygienic factors during the education period results in negative tendencies in students` health. Core factors of noninfectious diseases rate are over-nutrition, low physical activity, neuro-emotional stress, bad habits. The comprehensive rehabilitation program is proposed. It includes such components as units of diagnostic and organizational measures, informational and preventive measures, treatment and correctional activities, effectiveness evaluation of the taken actions. The program implementation will make it possible to improve the students health level, form firm healthy lifestyle motivation.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: L Освіта > LB Теорія і практика освіти > LB2300 Вища освіта
R Медицина > RA Суспільні аспекти медицини > RA0421 Охорона здоров'я. Гігієна. Профілактична медицина
Divisions: Природничо-географічний факультет > Кафедра теорії і методики фізичного виховання та спортивних дисциплін
Depositing User: Users 95 not found.
Date Deposited: 31 May 2021 12:35
Last Modified: 31 May 2021 12:35
URI: https://eprints.mdpu.org.ua/id/eprint/11785

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