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Psychological features of the actualization of resourcefulness and vitality of the individual: conceptualization and development. Factors of professional burnout of primary school teachers in war conditions

Гузь, Володимир Васильович (2023) Psychological features of the actualization of resourcefulness and vitality of the individual: conceptualization and development. Factors of professional burnout of primary school teachers in war conditions. Інший. Publishing House of University of Technology, Katowice.

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The article analyzes the specifics of the impact of stressogenic factors, internal and external determinants on the occurrence of professional burnout among primary school teachers in wartime conditions. The theoretical analysis of the literature on the topic of the study allows us to formulate a theoretical position according to which it can be said that any profession initiates the formation of professional deformations of the personality, and socionomic professions of the "person – person" type are considered the most vulnerable and can initiate the emotional burnout syndrome in a professional. The nature and degree of expression depend on the nature, content of the activity, the prestige of the profession and the individual psychological characteristics of the individual. The considered features of the pedagogical activity of primary school teachers, which are related 403 to their personal characteristics that contribute to the formation of the phenomenon of professional burnout. The impact of martial law, distance learning, and high demands on the personality of primary school teachers, which can also be a prerequisite for professional burnout, are considered separately.

Тип елементу : Монографія (Інший)
Теми: L Освіта > L Освіта (Загальне)
Підрозділи: Навчально-науковий інститут соціально-педагогічної та мистецької освіти > Кафедра початкової і спеціальної освіти
Користувач, що депонує: Кафедра початкової і спеціальної освіти Шевченко Ю.М.
Дата внесення: 16 Лют 2024 12:34
Останні зміни: 16 Лют 2024 12:34
URI: http://eprints.mdpu.org.ua/id/eprint/13483

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