Bogdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University

The psychological health of the personality and society: the challenges of today. 4.5. Особливості збереження психологічного благополуччя у родині, яка виховує дитину з особливими потребами

Варіна, Г. Б. and Прокоф’єва, О. О. (2020) The psychological health of the personality and society: the challenges of today. 4.5. Особливості збереження психологічного благополуччя у родині, яка виховує дитину з особливими потребами. Project Report. The Academy of Management and Administration in Opole, Польша.

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The scientific work is devoted to the problem of preserving psychological well-being in a family raising a child with a disabling disease. Child-parent relationship is considered as a resource factor 237 affecting all aspects of development of a child with special needs. The article considers the main approaches and components of the concept of "psychological well-being". The paper presents the results of a statement of the features of the emotional component of psychological well-being of parents raising a child with disabilities in the project of scientific work, scientific and technical (experimental) development of young scientists, carried out at the expense of the general fund of the state budget – "Development of a methodology for psychological and pedagogical support of families raising children with special needs." The constructive nature of changes in the personality of parents is based on their psychological characteristics and the formation of adaptive ways of responding, maintaining psychological comfort and well-being.

Item Type: Monograph (Project Report)
Subjects: B Філософія. Психологія. Релігія > BF Психологія
Divisions: Навчально-науковий інститут соціально-педагогічної та мистецької освіти > Кафедра психології
Depositing User: Users 4413 not found.
Date Deposited: 17 Dec 2020 12:51
Last Modified: 26 Oct 2021 20:52

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