Items where Division is "Кафедра іноземних мов" and Year is 2021
Maslova, Alina V. and Goncharova, Olga A. and Kirsanova, Svitlana S. and Milko, Natalia Ye. (2021) Teaching master students to read and interpret English academic journal articles. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 17 (2). pp. 1320-1335. ISSN 1305-578X
Sharov, Sergii and Pavlenko, Anatolii and Sharova, Tetiana and Chorna, Olga (2021) Analysis of Developers of Online Courses on Ukrainian Platforms of MOOC. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning. pp. 201-213.
Калужська, Л. О. and Кирчева, Ю. А. (2021) Семантические характеристики англоязычных фразеологизмов с компонентами blue и green. Мова. Свідомість. Концепт: зб. наук. ст.. pp. 89-92. ISSN 978-617-7055-81-4