- PMID: 35307654
Objective: The aim: The research is devoted to the analysis of theoretical and empirical determinants of formation of structural components of an active life position of modern elderly people.
Patients and methods: Materials and methods: Psychodiagnostic techniques were selected as tools for data collection. Experiment participants were people aged 65-72 years old (total number - 78 people). Data processing was done by means of the computer program SPSS 21.0.
Results: Results: The psychological features of the formation of elderly people's active life position were determined by the fact that more than 50% of respondents had an average level of cognitive development, more than 60% demonstrated a low level of emotional-volitional component and more than 50% were at medium level of motivational-behavioural component. Most respondents' high level of cognitive component development does not correlate with a high level of emotional-volitional component development. The leading role in the formation of elderly people's active life position is played by the motivational-behavioural component.
Conclusion: Conclusions: Based on the theoretical and empirical research of the issue of formation of elderly people's active life position, three structural components of the phenomenon under study were identified: cognitive, emotional-volitional and motivational-behavioural. The results of the experiment suggest that most respondents had medium-low levels of active life position. The main determinant of the elderly people's reduced vitality is their low level of emotional-volitional component development. The research outcomes allowed us to track the dependence of the level of active life position on the motivational-behavioral component.
Keywords: active life position; cognitive component; elderly people; emotional-volitional component; motivational-behavioural component.
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