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Moderní aspekty vědy. 2.4. Psychological and pedagogical aspects of formation of geographical concepts in the school geography course

Nepsha, O. (2024) Moderní aspekty vědy. 2.4. Psychological and pedagogical aspects of formation of geographical concepts in the school geography course. Інший. Mezinárodní Ekonomický Institut s.r.o, Česká republika.

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The basis of teaching geography is the process of forming scientific geographical concepts in students. Concepts are the basis of geographical knowledge. The process of their formation has a number of peculiarities that need to be taken into account in teaching geography. The most important of these features is that concepts cannot be learnt only by memorising their definitions. A concept and its definition are fundamentally different things. In teaching geography, it is important, first of all, to ensure active cognitive activity of students and not to limit oneself to memorising verbal formulations and definitions of concepts. It is important to remember that the cognitive activity of students is always aimed at transforming the subject and is based on various sources of knowledge. The second feature of concept formation is due to the fact that scientific concepts are a system in which some concepts are related to others. It is known that in geographical science and the system of school geography corresponding to it there is a system of fundamental, most general concepts (categories) that are interconnected and constitute the «language» of geography. These include, for example, «natural-territorial complex», «geographical shell», «component of nature», etc. The third feature of the formation of geographical concepts is that they are not learned immediately, not at one moment, but gradually, step by step as the geographical content is studied and only in the process of logical linguistic thinking. Another extremely important point is that the process of forming concepts is manageable, guided by the teacher and purposeful. With the help of the curriculum and textbook, the teacher selects concepts, determines the sequence of their acquisition, teaching methods, ways of consolidating and applying them in practice, outlines the stages of work, etc

Тип елементу : Монографія (Інший)
Теми: L Освіта > LB Теорія і практика освіти
L Освіта > LB Теорія і практика освіти > LB1603 Середня освіта. Вищі школи
Підрозділи: Природничо-географічний факультет > Кафедра географії та туризму
Користувач, що депонує: Кафедра географії та туризму
Дата внесення: 13 Трав 2024 04:47
Останні зміни: 13 Трав 2024 04:47
URI: http://eprints.mdpu.org.ua/id/eprint/13619

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