Determinants of Professional Orientation of Future Psychologists on Correctional Support of Children with Psychophysical Disorders


  • Hanna Afuzova National Pedagogical Dragomanov University
  • Zoya Ogorodniychuk National Pedagogical Dragomanov University
  • Vitaliy Pavelkiv Rivne State University of the Humanities
  • Olena Mamicheva State Higher Educational Institution «Donbas State Teacher’s Training University»
  • Olesia Prokofieva Bogdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University
  • Kseniia Androsovych Institute of Gifted Child of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine



Components of orientation, training program, special psychologist, humanistic approach, professional interest, empathy, professional identity


This article is devoted to highlighting theoretical and methodological foundations of the study of professional orientation of future special psychologists on correctional support of children with mental and physical disorders. On the basis of the structural components of professional orientation of special psychologists developed by us, the main determinants of professional orientation of future specialists on correctional support of children with psychophysical developmental disorders were determined, specifically: in the study of the motivational-target component of professional orientation of the future specialists in the field of special psychology, we focused on the study of the dominant motives for choosing a profession; on formation of a humanistic orientation; on the meaningful life orientations of the individual; exploring the emotional and gnostic component of the professional orientation of future psychologists for correctional support of children with mental and physical disorders, represented by sensory and informational structures, we paid attention to formation and objectivity of understanding future professional activities, its requirements for the personality of a specialist; on the attitude to the future profession and to the process of mastering it; identification with the subjects of future professional activity; to the level of development of empathy, altruism, attraction and congruence; the regulatory component of the professional orientation of future special psychologists on correctional support of children with psychophysical disorders was studied taking into account the level of maturity of professional self-esteem and professional prognosis.


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How to Cite

Afuzova, H., Ogorodniychuk, Z., Pavelkiv, V., Mamicheva, O., Prokofieva, O., & Androsovych, K. (2022). Determinants of Professional Orientation of Future Psychologists on Correctional Support of Children with Psychophysical Disorders. BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience, 13(1Sup1), 188-206.

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